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Kiss a Librarian

By on Saturday, Oct 1, 2016 | 3 comments

Most of us who love books have a story about how we first came to love them.   My mom was a huge reader, but we didn’t have a lot of money to buy books. But she was constantly hauling us off to the library. That was the only way I knew of to get [...]

Author Tea!

By on Sunday, Sep 25, 2016 | 2 comments

Today I attended an author tea in celebration of my friend historical romance author Louise Bergin's recent Regency Romance release, The Spinster and the Wastrel. This wasn't any old tea party...it was...well, amazing. There was tea in beautiful antique cups, a gorgeous rosetted cake that was purple on the inside as well as out, fabulous [...]

Stay tuned for tomorrow…

By on Saturday, Sep 24, 2016 | 0 comments

My Saturday blog this week will be a Sunday evening post, because I'm going to a special event... a Romance Writers' Tea Party! Will share details with you tomorrow evening! This week, the cover for my December book came out, and I think it's beautiful! See it on Amazon, where it's up for pre-order, and [...]

The Sound of Silence

By on Saturday, Sep 17, 2016 | 4 comments

For years, especially in the summers when the kids were home from school, I dreamed of being away from everyone to be able to write--alone. Anyone who's a mom trying to work at home knows the feeling--the constant interruptions, the steady in-and-out of people. Even the pets can be annoying. It grates on you after [...]

What Start Trek Did for Girls…at least for this one.

By on Saturday, Sep 10, 2016 | 2 comments

Star Trek turned fifty this week! As a diehard trekkie from the age of twelve, I couldn't let this anniversary go by without trying to put into words what Star Trek (still) means to me after all these years.  I was just a young geeky teen when reruns from the 60’s show were on TV [...]

Pride and Prejudice

By on Saturday, Aug 27, 2016 | 1 comment

I love reading historical romances and novels. Actually, I wrote four historical romances (two Regency and two Victorian) and a Jane Austen short story before I got published. But I was not a natural at it for sure! I spent so many hours stopping the writing and then researching everything from the types of teacups [...]
