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Trick or Treat Giveaway and November Fun

By on Saturday, Oct 29, 2016 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

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I wanted to tell you about a fun Trick-or-Treat giveaway going on on my Facebook author page this weekend. I got early copies of my December book this week (yay!) and I’m giving one away along with a mug and some other swaggy things. Enter the giveaway here. (Giveaway goes until Monday, October 31st, at noon.)



Also coming up, I’m taking part in a fun November celebration over at The Romance Reviews. There are giveaways and prizes all month. I got to write my own multiple choice question (it’s easy, don’t worry). All that is going on hereyes2016

Lastly, CAN’T STOP LOVING YOU is up for preorder for $3.99. Don’t miss this pricing, I’m not sure it won’t go up on release day. You can read more about it here, and the blurb is below. Happy Halloween everybody 🎃!

Can't Stop Loving You by Miranda LiassonWhen it comes to her heart, Arabella D’Angelo has moved on—even though she still lives in Mirror Lake, Connecticut, a little tourist town with a long memory for mistakes. Ever the dutiful daughter of a cantankerous widower who holds grudges, Bella has spent the past twelve years raising her younger brother and making a name for herself as a successful psychologist. Now, when she isn’t counseling a lonely-hearts club for senior women, she’s humoring her matchmaking girlfriends. Bella resists the romancing of their blind dates, yet her friends hope she’ll fall for a local and scrap plans for a fresh start in Chicago.

Then, just before Bella’s thirtieth birthday, her first love, Roman Spikonos, returns to Mirror Lake. When he moves next door to her family’s garden-center business to run his grandparents’ orchard, it stirs up gossip—and a tempest of passions—just in time for pumpkin harvest. As Roman and Bella once again get caught up in a swirl of desire and heartache, not to mention her overprotective father’s fury, Mirror Lake will soon find out whether the Italian hometown beauty and her unforgettable Greek god can stand a second chance.


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