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Wow—Six Books for a Buck Each!

By on Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 in Uncategorized | 4 comments

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Dear Readers,

This is a quick note to tell you that I’ve got six books on sale for a buck each until the end of March* (*except for CAN’T FIGHT THIS FEELING—that will stop being on sale after the 27th.)

This is a fabulous time to check out my older small town romance series! You’ll find that they have the same humor and heartwarming love stories as my Angel Falls books.  (They’re a little sexy too, just to let you know.)I hope you check them out!


For more about these books, you can check them all out on my cute new bookshelf page or click the image above.


Thanks also for your support of my new release, THE WAY YOU LOVE ME. It can still be found this month at Target and Sam’s Club stores. It’s been so thrilling to see it in Walmart too! Thanks to all of you who’ve sent me shelfies! Also, many thanks if you’ve taken the time to put up a review on a retailer site! Reviews are lifeblood to an author—they determine how many people see it when browsing and increase visibility. So if you are so inclined to write a brief one (as short as “I loved it! will do, Lol),—you have my eternal gratefulness!😘

Don’t miss other fun news and giveaways!—you can make sure you’re in the know by signing up for my monthly newsletter here.


Thanks and Happy Spring!🌷


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