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Release Day for Tamara Hogan’s Taste Me

By on Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 in New Authors to Watch | 2 comments

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A hero who experiences the world through TASTE?  Who is also an incubus.  And a heroine named Scarlett in a rock band called Scarlett’s Web who is a siren, able to amplify emotional energy with her voice.


Put these two together in a dangerous underworld and you’ve got 2009 GH Finalist Tamara Hogan’s sizzling new debut novel, TASTE ME, a sexy, fast paced urban fantasy out from Sourcebooks TODAY.


I’m especially excited for Tammy because I’ve been following her progess over the past year and a half or so on the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood blog–from GH winner to publishing contract to revisions to–waalah–gorgeous novel! 

Read an interview with Tamara on the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood blog here and visit her website here.  And then run out and (or click to) buy her book!  I can’t wait to read it!

Congratulations, Tammy!!!

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