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Meet Preston from A Man of Honor

By on Saturday, Apr 9, 2016 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

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–Hi, folks! I’ve got one more week of deadline! So in the meantime, here are a few items to share:

–Wanted to remind you to please sign up for my newsletter! (You can do this by clicking the “Join My Newsletter” button on the very top of the Home page here. My next newsletter will go out later this month and will include a prize for a lucky subscriber. To enter, all you have to do is be on the list!

–Meet my hero Preston Guthrie’s…um…chest. And I think you’ll agree it’s a very fine one! This cover is a little edgy, but then so is Preston…he’s’s a war hero but he’s still got a lot to fight for once he returns home…I’m excited to say that you’ll get to meet him on June 20, the release date of A MAN OF HONOR, coming from Entangled Publishing.

Back to work for me, and see you next week! (Please don’t drool on the dragon :))

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