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Come Check Out Paranormal Author AE Jones on the Writer’s Process Blog Tour!

By on Monday, Jun 9, 2014 in AE Jones, Paranormal Golden Heart Winner, Writer's Process Blog Tour, Writing Process Blog Tour | 0 comments

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My friend, chapter mate, and fellow 2013 Golden Heart Winner AE Jones makes her rounds on the Writer’s Process Blog Tour today.

AE is the GH Winner for Paranormal Romance, and she’s created a kick-butt heroine who will have you laughing out loud and crying, too.

Read all about her process and upcoming debut novel at http://aejonesauthor.com

Oh, and she’s tagged me for next week!

What a night! Sarah MacLean, me, AE Jones, and Eloisa James at RWA 13.

Here we are at last year’s RWA Awards Night–wearing our GH necklaces–standing with the awesome Sarah MacLean and Eloisa James, who were our RITA-winning table mates. What a night that was!

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