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Death by Side Effect

By on Saturday, Jun 3, 2017 | 2 comments

I've talked before about having migraines, that special plague that bestows itself upon the women of my family. This week I had an entertaining visit with my migraine doctor, a patient, gray-haired neurologist I'll call Dr. X. Patient because I'm not the best patient. I was holding out on these migraines, not wanting to start [...]

CAN’T STOP LOVING YOU is a National Readers Choice Finalist!

By on Saturday, May 20, 2017 | 0 comments

This week I learned CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU is a finalist in the National Readers Choice Awards in the Contemporary Single Title category. This book, while having some humor and laughs in it, was very heart wrenching to write and I'm so thrilled to have it be recognized as a finalist! Yay!

CAN’T FIGHT THIS FEELING Is on Sale May 5-11 for Just 99¢!

By on Saturday, May 6, 2017 | 0 comments

Just wanted to let you all know my latest release, CAN'T FIGHT THIS FEELING, will be on sale for 99¢ for a short time only (from now until May 12). Check out the book and the sale on Amazon here. This book is the second book in the Spikonos Brothers series but can easily be read [...]

My Cat Posey

By on Saturday, May 6, 2017 | 0 comments

The Notorious Posamunde Moral dilemma:  my (elderly, demented and also probably crazy) cat pooped in my son's tennis shoe. To tell or not to tell? I opted not to. I cleaned it up and sprayed Febreze in the shoe, hoping for the best. I had other problems to deal with, namely that the cat ADORES [...]

How to be a Romance Writer at a Party

By on Saturday, Apr 22, 2017 | 14 comments

Here's how it usually goes for me at a social gathering, where the attendees are often distant business associates of my husband's. For some reason, some people are fascinated by my profession. Hmm, wonder why? Who knew writing love stories could be so intriguing! Here's usually how it goes: "So, what do you write?" is [...]

Super Sale! Mirror Lake Books are Just 99 Cents Each in April!

By on Saturday, Apr 1, 2017 | 0 comments

My first 3 Mirror Lake books are on sale this month for just 99 cents each! You can check them out here. And you can read more about them on my book page.            
