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I am a Golden Heart Double Finalist

By on Tuesday, Mar 26, 2013 | 2 comments

I was just going to post some pictures from my trip to the lovely city of Savannah this past weekend but today I got a call from RWA that BOTH of the manuscripts I entered finaled in the Golden Heart contest. My friend and chaptermate Amy E Jones ( http://aejonesauthor.com/), also from Northeast Ohio RWA (NEORWA) also finaled in the paranormal [...]

Do you read to escape…or for something else?

By on Friday, Mar 15, 2013 | 10 comments

Author David Shields got his new book How Literature Saved My Life written up last month in the New York Times Book Review. It's a memoir that discusses the reading and writing life of a distinguished man considered to be a genre-breaking author (see http://davidshields.com/).If interested, you can read the review here:   http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/10/books/review/how-literature-saved-my-life-by-david-shields.html?_r=0.  The reviewer, Mark O'Connell, [...]

Starting a New Story: Thoughts from Michaelangelo

By on Friday, Mar 8, 2013 | 2 comments

Note to my dear characters: Yes, alas, it's time to say goodbye. I created you, amid much sweat and blood, and I know you now like I know my own children (except that you're both far more predictable than they are!).My hero, you were such a good guy, a real gentleman. And my heroine, so brave to [...]

Donald Maass: Tension, Tension Everywhere

By on Friday, Mar 1, 2013 | 4 comments

I heard famed writing craft author and literary agent Donald Maass speak at a one-day workshop back in January. It was revelatory.So I went back to my copy of Maass's The Fire in Fiction and reread Chapter 8, Tension All the Time.How do you create the type of tension that keeps a reader reading every [...]
