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I had to go to France to find an English Garden

By on Tuesday, Jun 28, 2011 | 2 comments

I just came back from the family vacation of a lifetime and wanted to share this with you...and then I promise, I will stop talking about gardens!We went to France, even though, alas, I of course wanted to go to England.  But with two teens who have taken years of French, France won out.  (That's [...]

In the Garden with Jane Austen: Part 2, The Shrubbery

By on Monday, Jun 6, 2011 | 1 comment

I promised to take you on a tour of an English shrubbery, as Kim Wilson describes it in her beautiful book In the Garden with Jane Austen. (Please see my last post if you want more information about the book.) The English garden was built to be experienced by walking through it and discovering surprising elements--vistas, benches, [...]

In the Garden with Jane Austen: Privies and Ha-Ha Walls

By on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 | 0 comments

At last, spring has hit Northern Ohio.  Well, actually, I think we skipped spring and went right into summer.  Believe it or not, today the temp here (90-ish) is going to be hotter than Miami, FL!  Okay, those were some shots from my garden.  I love flowers!                                             I'd like to share some things I learned from [...]

Deep POV Tips from Author Jules Bennett

By on Thursday, May 19, 2011 | 0 comments

Harlequin Desire author Jules Bennett gave an awesome workshop about deep point of view (POV) for those of us who attended the Cleveland Rocks Romance Conference this past weekend.  Jules gave me permission to post her helpful pointers about writing deep POV and ramping up the emotional stakes in your own work:Before you begin writing, imagine yourself [...]

Living With a Difficult Muse

By on Monday, May 9, 2011 | 1 comment

Still consumed with meeting my 1500 words-per-day quota for my Novel in Six Months Class with Lori Wilde at SavvyAuthors, I thought I would share more of my overwhelming frustrations as I continue to learn how to do this!I wrote over 8,000 words last week, all in a state of pure terror.  Every morning, I wonder where [...]

Learning to Write Fast

By on Monday, May 2, 2011 | 0 comments

I am lucky to be in a course on SavvyAuthors run by Lori Wilde.  It is a Fast Track Novel Writing Class that goes for six months.  It's wonderful, and Lori is a great teacher.  That being said, the agony is that every day, five days a week, each of us has to turn in 1500 [...]

My First Blog Interview Today at Wendy La Capra’s Blog

By on Thursday, Apr 21, 2011 | 0 comments

Up-and-coming historical romance writer and friend Wendy La Capra interviewed me on her blog today--please stop by! Wendy La Capra's Romance Writing Blog http://www.wendylacapra.com/

The Life of Painters…and Other Hazards

By on Wednesday, Apr 20, 2011 | 0 comments

Don't you love learning things you never intended to find? I'm doing some research into medicine as it was practiced in the Regency period, and I had to chuckle when I came across this, which was written way earlier, around 1700:"We read that Raphael of Urbino, the famous painter, was snatched from life in the very flower [...]


By on Friday, Apr 15, 2011 | 2 comments

I recently learned that my manuscript My Wicked Duke is a finalist in the historical category of the Cleveland Rocks Romance Contest, and a query letter I submitted is a finalist in the New Hampshire RWA Query Quandary Contest.   Yay for celebrating small successes! 

Elizabeth Inchbald: A Real-Life Regency Heroine

By on Friday, Apr 15, 2011 | 0 comments

I am reading a book, Passion and Principle:  the Loves and Lives of Regency Women by Jane Aiken Hodge.   Here is an amazing story I rustled up from this book:Have you ever heard of Elizabeth Inchbald (1753-1821)?  She is a woman with an incredibly independent spirit for her age (well, for any age!) who was a [...]
