Up-and-coming historical romance writer and friend Wendy La Capra interviewed me on her blog today--please stop by! Wendy La Capra's Romance Writing Blog http://www.wendylacapra.com/
Don't you love learning things you never intended to find? I'm doing some research into medicine as it was practiced in the Regency period, and I had to chuckle when I came across this, which was written way earlier, around 1700:"We read that Raphael of Urbino, the famous painter, was snatched from life in the very flower [...]
I recently learned that my manuscript My Wicked Duke is a finalist in the historical category of the Cleveland Rocks Romance Contest, and a query letter I submitted is a finalist in the New Hampshire RWA Query Quandary Contest. Yay for celebrating small successes!
I am reading a book, Passion and Principle: the Loves and Lives of Regency Women by Jane Aiken Hodge. Here is an amazing story I rustled up from this book:Have you ever heard of Elizabeth Inchbald (1753-1821)? She is a woman with an incredibly independent spirit for her age (well, for any age!) who was a [...]
Had a big family event this weekend at my house that required a lot of preparation, so yesterday I gave myself permission to vege out, enjoy the 80+ degee weather (yes, even in Cleveland, it appears spring has arrived (and I say that with a great deal of caution)!), and dig into Brava, Valentine, Adriana Trigiani's continuation of [...]
I have been discovering new authors (well, actually, famous authors who are new to me)--ones who are going to be a part of the Jane Austen anthology coming out this fall by Ballantine books. I had the great pleasure of reading Very Valentine, Adriana Trigiani's 2009 book about a woman's quest for self discovery in [...]
I've recently been called upon to read a friend's partial manuscript--all written in the first person.I recently wrote a short story in the first person, which I had never seriously done before. And I realized there are pitfalls.The hardest one for me was the "telling" pitfall. How on earth do you avoid telling if you [...]